Автомобилните ентусиасти и мотористите са влюбени в двигателя SBC поради неговата здравина, както и производителност. Тези двигатели са много известни със своите суапове във всички видове автомобили, но обикновено за състезания или просто за забавление. Има обаче уловка, за да получите допълнително повече производителност за двигателите с превключване от плоски повдигачи на повдигачи към ролкови.
The "roller lifters" referred to are among the pieces you might order as enhancements for your SBC engine. These are not standard flat tappet lifters for these engines! What makes it different is that, at the end, there has a small roller instead of flat piece these are called as Roller lifters. This roller is very crucial since Topu Всмукателни изпускателни клапани осигурява защита от триене на елементите на двигателя. По-малкото триене означава по-голяма ефективност за двигателя и следователно по-добра производителност навсякъде.
Engine additional power and torsion So SBC engine, for that taller lifter roller. For those customers looking to improve the shear performance of their cars this is a big one. Such smoothness is due in turn to less internal friction, which bumps up power accordingly. The result is an engine that not only offers more power but also runs smoother and cleaner. They even allowed a hotter cam to be used with roller lifters. This provides a more robust and powerful engine, which makes Topu Двигател идеален избор за превозни средства с висока производителност.
Въпреки че ролковият повдигач е отлична надстройка за всеки двигател, който идва от фабриката с плоски повдигачи, двигателите Chevy с малък блок се възползват по няколко начина: На първо място, те са задържане, за да отговарят на вашите готови за желание мускули (Повече за това по-нататък). Увеличава както мощността на двигателя, така и въртящия момент с въздушния поток; И все пак, това не е единственото важно предимство на ролковите повдигачи просто като продължителността на живота им в сравнение с тези обикновени плоски повдигачи. Тъй като те се грижат за валовете на гърбиците и клапаните, което води до висока производителност, но не позволява на Topu Всмукателен клапан изпускателен клапан износват се бързо. Повдигачите за автомобили помагат и за спестяване на време, тъй като собствениците на автомобили изобщо не трябва да поправят двигателя си; ролковият повдигач наистина е умна покупка.
Additionally, roller lifter power helps your camshaft and valves to function smoother as well. A small roller is added into place to prevent metal-to-lifter contact and reduce the friction between this lifter and that camshaft. Over time, reducing the friction helps keep these parts alive longer as well. This allows the engine to have more control over how and when Topu Хидравличен тласкач отваря и затваря клапани, което улеснява манипулирането. Това трябва да доведе до по-чисти, по-предсказуеми реакции от двигателя, което е добра новина за водачите.
And that roller lifter thing can really help small block Chevy rev higher, too. Simply by using roller lifters, the friction would be lower and therefore they need to keep themselves together at a much higher engine speed. This ability to rev also allows for more horsepower and torque, which is a good thing when racing or dragged into service. Car addicts have been using Topu Хидравличен повдигач на клапани за да получите двигатели с максимална производителност за доста време.
Quality of the product is mainstay of Topu's success. Topu's factory is equipped with designs development of products as well as quality control, warehousing and logistics, etc. The products are controlled strictly according to OEM standards and IATF16949 requirements for quality systems, including the producing methods, testing Roller lifters sbc, control of the entry into warehouse to make the products qualified and satisfied to customers.
Topu offers a diverse selection products providing customers with a range of choices and a range product. We offer low minimum order requirements which allow customers to choose in accordance with their requirements and not have worry about inventory building up or expensive purchase prices. We are also committed to fast delivery which ensures that customers get the products need promptly. The comprehensive approach to service is designed to satisfy a variety of customer demands in terms of Roller lifters sbc and efficiency which allows customers to adapt to market trends maintain a competitive edge.
Topu provides a range products services that can Roller lifters sbc the purchasing experience of its customers. Whether it's sourcing components or coordinating logistics, Topu handles every aspect of the process of procurement with professionalism expertise. Topu's single-stop service allows customers enjoy economies of scale as well as cost reductions, as well as increased efficiency. Topu's integrated procurement services allow customers streamline their processes as well as reduce administrative burdens, allowing them put their focus on the most important business goals.
Topu continually improves efficiency of its production improves the quality of its products optimizes product structure. It is in line with the high standards set by its partners through using cutting-edge production technology Roller lifters sbc in engine area. This partnership model allows Topu to provide custom solutions, providing better faster services that are specifically tailored to the requirements preferences each customer.